Saturday, October 03, 2009

Name Change and Shopping Frenzy

Well for the past two days I have been off work due to UEA which is were the teachers are supposed to go to conferences but they never go so now it's just called "Fall Recess". Well, no matter the reason I was thankful for two days of relaxation! But then I started thinking that I really should go down and get my name changed officially. And after having battled lines before, I decided to get up early and be one of the first people to the Social Security place. When I got there I was #15 and ended up only waiting 15 minutes and then I was out of there. I was about to head down to the License department when my cute husband called and asked if I wanted to go to the high school and have lunch with him... even though the License place was only a few blocks I couldn't turn him down and I headed out to Saratoga Springs to eat lunch with him! He has been to my school before but I had never seen him interact with the students and he was pretty cute with them! Afterwards I headed down to Orem and thought "it's the middle of the day, I am going to be at the License place forever!" I filled out the application, got some crap from the desk guy about my hyphenated last name, and was out 20 minutes later! Everyone I have talked to said what a pain it was changing their last name but it was pretty easy for me. I am so glad to officially have the last name of Milne! I've changed over credit cards, insurance, and all that. The only thing left to do is wait for my new ss card and license and then I can change it officially with the school district and the title on my card! Yeah!

Condo update:

Most of you know that Derick and I found the cutest little condos in Eagle Mountain...don't worry it's not completely out there in the boondocks, but it's more towards Saratoga Springs in a little development called the Ranches. It's like 5 minutes from Derick's school and we love the area. They've pushed our closing date to November 1st and we are way excited! We are on the 3rd floor so thats usually the last floor to be finished. We drove out last week to check the progress and they have it all framed and are putting in instillation and sheet rock. For the last few days I have been worried that we are going to move in and have absolutely no furniture. We pretty much have my bedroom stuff and thats it. So I suggested to Derick that we go out and have a look around and price some things. I couldn't believe he agreed! (I think it helped that I showed him some things that were on sale!) We stopped at a few places but it is amazing how high priced things are at one place and lower at another for completely the same item! We headed over to ShopKo in Orem because Derick's mom had seen a dining room table on sale. So we went to get that. We were shocked when we got there and saw that they had a nice couch, loveseat, and chair on sale. But even better...they said that if we got the couch and loveseat, we would get the chair for free! So we walked out of ShopKo with a 5-piece dining set, a couch, loveseat, and chair for $800! When we got back to Derick's parent's place of course Derick wanted to rip off the plastic and start putting everything together. (typical boy- can't wait for an excuse to get out the tools!) but I said we'd better wait until we move everything to our new place. I think he was kind of sad but I am so glad we got all that taken care of. The only things we need now are a fridge and stove (they came with the place but we want to upgrade to a side by side frige and a flat top stove) and then we will be all set! Here's a picture of our new furniture!


Andrea said...

Now you know you're going to have to spell Milne everywhere you go and no one is ever going to pronouce it right. :) Your furniture is cute and I can't wait to see pictures of you new condo when its done.

The Barbers said...

How exciting to have your own place and new is even better!!! Your furniture is so cute too. Glad everything with the name change went well :)